San Diego Deep Tissue Massage

Firm pressure is applied to the client’s muscles using the therapists’ hands, fingertips, knuckles, elbows and even forearms, stimulating the deeper layers of muscle tissue. The goal is to release tension in the body through slow strokes and deep finger pressure on the contracted areas, focusing on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. The pressure will be more intense and the movement will be slower in a deep tissue massage than in a more superficial massage.



  • Blood flow
  • Oxygen circulation
  • Mobility


  • Stress
  • Chronic pain
  • Blood pressure
  • Tight muscles
  • Toxins from muscles
  • Osteoarthritis pain
  • Recovery time from injuries
  • Postural problems


The Greeks, the Egyptians and the people of the Far Eastern region were the first to use this massage technique. In 1940 Therese Pfrimmer, a physiotherapist of Canada, founded the principles of deep tissue massage. She used her own creative idea and came up with this therapy to treat her leg paralysis. After continuing with this massage for three months, she was able to reverse the paralysis.

The length of a deep-tissue massage session or course will vary depending on what you need. You may need a series of treatments, but this will depend on your condition and will be discussed with you by your massage therapist. Length of Deep Tissue Massage Session: 60, 90, or 120 mins. **Deep Tissue Massage is a complement to standard medical care. It should not be construed as medical advice. It should not be a replacement to medical help.**

Deep Tissue Massage Experts

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