Acupuncture for Springtime

Spring is here and along with it is the allergy symptoms that make us miserable. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help! Seasonal allergy symptoms can be eased through acupuncture by clearing sinus congestion, reducing inflammation and pain, treating cough, regulating the immune system to make it less reactive in the future and providing natural antibacterial and antiviral solutions.

In a study that was originally published on, study author Dr. Benno of the Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics at Charite University Medical Center in Berlin wrote that “From my experience as a physician and acupuncturist, and as a researcher, I would recommend trying acupuncture if patients are not satisfied with the conventional anti-allergic medication or treatment or they suffer from more or less serious side effects of the conventional medication. Also because acupuncture is a relative safe treatment.”

So bottom line is that if you are suffering from seasonal allergy symptoms and are not finding the relief that you need or if the medications that do help have too many negative side effects, give acupuncture a try. It is a safe alternative to the traditional treatments, that often don’t help anyway.

4848 Tecolote Road
San Diego, CA. 92110
 Appointments (619) 295-3516 

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